Frequently Asked Questions
What are the show hours?
- Friday, September 29thth, 2023 10AM – 8PM
- Saturday, September 30th, 2023, 10AM – 8PM
- Sunday, October 1st, 2023, 10AM – 5PM
What is the cost to attend?
The cost of admission is $15, children under 16 are admitted Free.
All Military and veterans receive 1/2 off full admission
SENIORS 60+ receive 1/2 off full admission FRIDAY ONLY
If I purchase a large item from a vendor, do I need to pay a second admission fee to return another day to pick up the item?
No, if you purchase an item(s) from one of our exhibitors bring your receipt with you to the NARI Show Office at Door 35 A on Sunday, October 1st between 3:00 and 5:00 for free admission to pick up your item.
Are there discounts available?
Yes, a $3 discount is available using code CMAG23 CLICK HERE to purchase
Where can I buy tickets?
Yes, a $3 discount is available using code CMAG23 click here to purchase.
Can I purchase products at the show?
Yes, many exhibitors sell their products or contract for services on-site at the show, often for a discount. Ask the individual exhibitors for details.
What items are prohibited at the IX Center?
The following items are prohibited:
Laser pointers
Food and beverage (personal consumption items)
Animals (service animals are an exception)
Drones/unmanned aerial aircrafts
Use of tobacco products (e-cigarettes included)
Air horns, noisemakers, fireworks
Skateboards, bicycles, Segways, hoverboards, roller skates
Any other items deemed to negatively affect the safety or experience of others